
When The One We Love Is The Problem I was at work when I recently witnessed a heated exchange between a married couple. The man was yelling at the woman and all she could do was try to calm him down and remain calm, herself. It was not at all…

Healing The Brokenhearted

Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Old Wounds It will come as no surprise that there is a dark psychology in men and women who routinely engage in abusive behaviors towards their partners, spouses or children. At some point in their lives, they were likely…

Our Temporary Home: Trying To Fit In

In the movie, The Martian Child, David adopts Dennis, a troubled child. Dennis had a unique disconnection to this world, and children his age; he became convinced that he was from Mars. Dennis didn’t behave like other children; he didn’t dress like them or enjoy similar things. He didn’t even…

Fighting Injustice: What The Bible Says To Me

The DVM For Hope blog is not overtly religious, but I am a Catholic Christian. As such, my desire to fight injustice is driven by my Christian values and by my desire to follow Christ, whom I consider my Lord and Savior. In these increasingly secular times, that statement may…